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Thursday, May 16, 2013

When The Schoolyard Bully Becomes A Workplace Bully

When The Schoolyard Bully Becomes A Workplace Bully

When Schoolyard Bullies Graduate From High School
Discussions have been ongoing about the issue of "bullying". Typically, bullies are unpopular, burly and overbearing juveniles in the schoolyard who throw other kids in trash cans or steal their money and lunch. But schoolyard bullying is no mere puerile bustle because victims can develop anxiety, depression or even suicidal thoughts. Bullying is a control issue with varied underlying precipitating factors. What appears to be a bully's aggression could be masking fear or insecurity. What happens to bullies after they graduate from high school?
Psychologist support suggests the premise that bullying as a learned behavior usually develops during the formative years. With proper guidance and counseling, a bully's behavior can be corrected. Minors who were caught bullying and received little or no intervention can be guided and counseled accordingly for "treatment".
However, many schoolyard bullies grow to become workplace bullies. Their domineering behavior is carried on to adulthood, and they tend to become brash and brazen bosses or employees. Workplace bullying is no trifling concern, too, and in fact it is deemed to be a "silent epidemic", growing worse. In the same way that schoolyard bullying is "disturbing", workplace bullying can have alarming consequences. A Helsinki research found that workplace bullying is linked to the use of psychotropic medications, such as sleeping pills, tranquilizers and antidepressants. In terms of cost, companies can lose up to $180 million in lost time and productivity, according to a recent survey conducted by Harrison Psychological Associates. Of the 9,000 participating employees, 42% of females and 15% of males reported to have experienced harassment within a two- year period. Psychologist Michael H. Harrison, PhD says "Workplace bullying has a huge impact on a company's bottom line".
The Real Cost Of Workplace Bullying
Victims of bullying in the workplace tend to take time off to nurse emotional wounds and stress-related illness, resulting to high costs because of absenteeism. Gary Namie, co-founder of the Workplace Bullying Institute says that 82% of victims leave the workplace, resulting to high turnover and its corresponding economic drain. Bullies' targets in the workplace being affected by stress- related illnesses also lead to rising health care costs.
A dent on employee performance may also be implicated, especially when employees lose their feeling of loyalty to what they think is a company that doesn't protect them from bullying. They might vent their frustrations on clients, consequently damaging customer service.
Tips to try...
Assess the work environment in your organization.
  • Is it positive, or gloomy and erratic?
  • Are there "hot zones" occupied by whiners, negative Nancy's and energy drainers?
  • You will want to create the right kind of work environment or organizational culture so that your team will enjoy doing their work, have fun and feel like they are making a difference.
  • Encourage open communication in your organization. In your next meeting, ask each person about what they think of the group.
  • Incorporate anti workplace bullying policies, sending the clear message that "Workplace bullying is prohibited" and that victims can report to the HR and authorities, signifying that the organization considers their safety and well-being.
By the way, do you want to learn more about leadership in your company? If so, download your FREE ebook here: Guide to Elegant Courage Leadership
Jodi and Mike specialize in executive coaching with individuals and teams. http://lighthouse-leadership.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Krutza

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